Nine Tips for Air Travel with Little Ones

Hosted by:

Carly Buxton

Nessle CEO, Doula, CLC, and former Flight Attendant

We’re kicking off our Festival of Classes with a free class with our CEO Carly Buxton (who’s also a Postpartum Doula and former flight attendant) She’s going to give us helpful tips on managing air travel with little ones! ✈️👶🏻🍼 We know air travel with infants and toddlers can be challenging - especially during the holidays - so take this opportunity to learn from a pro!

About the speaker:

Carly Buxton, PhD, is a Certified Lactation Consultant, postpartum doula, and the CEO of Nessle. She has a background in user insights and business strategy--and was an international flight attendant for a very exciting (and exhausting) 18 months back before she became a parent!