Holly K

Holly K

I seek to help you find that confidence that comes with being well-informed about what you're experiencing.

About Me

Hi, Mamas! We are Holly and Ellen, and we're Co-Founders of Mother Tree Wellness Group. Mother Tree Wellness is our passion project, combining our experiences as moms and our training in mental health counseling into our solution-focused coaching practice. Holly has been a Licensed Professional Counselor since 2004, and Ellen has been a Nationally Certified Counselor since 2009. Both of us are certified in Perinatal Mental Health by Postpartum Support International. When we became moms, we were both so blind-sighted by many of the experiences we encountered that we were not expecting. We knew then that we wanted to use our professional training and our firsthand experiences to offer other moms the tools that we wish we'd had to make the most of this unique season of life. By providing concrete information, evidence-based strategies that are easily woven into your day, and connection with other moms who get it (three best-practices for supporting new moms), Mother Tree Wellness seeks to help you find that confidence that comes with being well-informed about what you're experiencing, having the tools on-hand to handle whatever comes your way, and knowing that whatever you're experiencing, you're not alone!

Articles by 

Holly K

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